21 Camp Street, Katoomba NSW 2780

02 4760847

Welcome to Black Cockie Press

Black Cockie Press

Australian Micro publisher of new writing, and provider of writing services.

Black Cockie Press was founded in April of 2017 with the vision of publishing new Australian writing from early career authors from diverse backgrounds. You may not recognize the names of authors that you find here, but we can assure you that their writing is new, dynamic and garden fresh. Your next great love may be lurking on this site. Founder Natalie Muller is a Master of Arts in Writing and a teacher of English and History. Her passion for literature and learning have driven the scope and depth of services offered and books published. She has a passion for Australian writing and is an energetic champion of young Australian writers. 

*Black Cockie Press accepts submissions October 1st - December 31st.  

* Black Cockie Press is currently accepting submissions for it's 2024 - 2025 list.


Black Cockie Press maintains a vibrant social media presence. 

You can connect with Black Cockie Press via: Instagram: @blackcockiepress

You can also check out our weekly videos on Books and writing on Youtube Black Cockie Press on YouTube

or follow us on Threads @blackcockiepress